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Board of Finance Minutes 05/13/2009
May 13, 2009

I.           CALL TO ORDER      

Chairman Harrison called the meeting to order at 8:17 p.m. in the Community Room at the Avon Senior Center.  Members present:  Margaret Bratton, Catherine Durdan, Thomas Gugliotti, Brett Eisenlohr, James Speich, and Tom Harrison.  William Hooper arrived at 8:20 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Harrison.

III.         MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS:  March 23, 2009; March 30, 2009 Public Hearing; March 31, 2009 Workshop

Chairman Harrison stated that these minutes would be distributed for the June meeting.


            08/09-07   FY 09/10 Budget:  Set Tax Rate (23.41 Mills)

Chairman Harrison stated that the voters approved the budget at the referendum tonight.  There was more than the 9% minimum of voters who turned out for the referendum.

On a motion by Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Gugliotti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance set the mill rate for the FY 09/10 at 23.41 mills.
Messrs. Harrison, Speich, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  

V.          NEW BUSINESS

            08/09-13   Approve Suspense List ($23,894.92)
                                   Deborah Fioretti, Collector of Revenue

Mr. Schenck, Town Manager, introduced Debbie Fioretti to the Board of Finance members.  He stated that Kay Roth retired as of January 1, 2009.   

Mr. Schenck stated that Ms. Fioretti prepared the suspense list; this list is for taxes that the Town has not collected.  The owners are put on this suspense list.  If they try to register a car, they cannot do so until they pay their overdue past taxes.

Chairman Harrison stated that one of the names on the car suspense list is his daughter.  She registered her car in Massachusetts in 2007, although she still appeared on this list.  He questioned if he should disqualify himself from the vote.  Mr. Schenck stated that he should abstain from voting.

Ms. Fioretti stated that the grand total for the last five years is up this year for personal property taxes.  She stated that the Sharper Image filed for bankruptcy; the Town has a claim in, although they will probably not get all of the money that is owed them.  The other business that went bankrupt is Minute Man; the Town has not received any money from this business.  Mr. Gugliotti stated that when the tax bill goes out on the suspense list, that does not mean that the Town cannot collect.  Ms. Fioretti stated that the taxes are always collectable.  She stated that there are only motor vehicle and property taxes on this list; there is no real estate on the list.

On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Ms. Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance approve the suspense list as prepared by Debbie Fioretti, the Collector of Revenue.
Messrs. Speich, Eisenlohr, Gugliotti, Hooper, and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  Mr. Harrison abstained.

          08/09-14           Supplemental Appropriation:  State of Connecticut Secretary of the State Grant,

Mr. Schenck stated that this will offset the overage for the August 2008 primary.  He stated that the money that would have normally gone to the referendum today was used to pay people in August of 2008.  The money is now being transferred back to pay for today’s referendum.  

On a motion by Ms. Bratton, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 08/09 Budget by increasing:
General Fund, Intergovernmental, Miscellaneous State Grant Receipts, Account #01-0330-43410 in the amount of $4,465.59, And increasing
General Fund, Elections and Referenda, Temporary Part-time, Account #01-1403-51014 in the amount of $4,465.59 for the purpose of funding the May 13, 2009 Referendum, with a reimbursement for the November 4, 2008 election through an approved State of Connecticut Secretary of the State grant.
Messrs. Harrison, Speich, Eisenlohr, Hooper, Gugliotti and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.  


There was none.


Mr. Schenck stated that there will not be a need to hold the next regular Board of Finance meeting on May 18, 2009.

Chairman Harrison thanked all of the members of the Board of Finance and Town staff for all of their hard work during this budget season.


On a motion by Mr. Gugliotti, seconded by Mr. Eisenlohr, it was voted:
RESOLVED:  That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:30 p.m.
Messrs. Harrison, Gugliotti, Hooper, Speich, Eisenlohr and Mmes. Bratton and Durdan voted in favor.

                                                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                                                             Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:  Alison Sturgeon, Clerk